Sonam Bajwa got an all-new look for her upcoming film starring none other than Diamond song famed singer – Gurnam Bhullar! She got tight curls and is all set to sizzle the silver screen with ‘Guddiyan Patole’ on 8th of next month!
Yes, the much-talked about film, ‘Guddiyan Patole’s’ first official poster and release date are out! The film releases on March 8th and besides marking the debut as a lead hero of Gurnam Bhullar, the film is in the news for a while for its unique title probably, hinting at a women-centric movie!
While sharing the poster of it, Sonam Bajwa mentioned on her Instagram that the team has put its ‘heart, soul and sweat’ in it. Check out her post below:
Bankrolled by Village Films Studios (Bhagwant Virk, Nav Virk), directed by Vijay Kumar Arora, Guddiyan Patole is written by Qismat fame, Jagdeep Sidhu. Whlie Gurnam Bhullar has another film in his kitty waiting to be released this month (High End Yaariyaan), Sonam Bajwa will be seen next in Muklawa opposite Ammy Virk – a film which is releasing in May 2019.
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