In a press conference held in Mohali today, Gurpreet Ghuggi – renowned Punjabi actor and former politician, reacted strongly to the issue being raised by the Punjab State Women Commission over his upcoming film’s title – Ni Main Sass Kuttni for being disrespectful to women. While expressing his views, he said that the film’s title is an extremely popular line from a centuries-old Punjabi folk song, and thus through his film, the makers are taking the audience a step closer to the Punjabi culture.
“There have been countless folk songs and ”boliyaans”, which are nothing but a satire on family relations – a lot of them take a dig on men while some of them are about women. While I do appreciate Ms Gulati for taking cognizance of the complaint raised by someone, issuing summons to the makers is pointless as the film is a family comedy attempt at raising awareness about Punjabi culture and traditions. Whoever has raised the complaint, could’ve saved Women Commission’s time which could’ve been utilized in solving far important matters. The title isn’t coined by the makers, rather it’s a very popular line from a very old Punjabi song,” he said.
Also present at the conference was Punjabi veteran actress Anita Devgan, film’s lead actors Tanvi Nagi and Mehtab Virk, and Malkeet Rauni.
Speaking on the controversy, Anita Devgan said, “We’re not grieved by the action that Ms Gulati took, we are grieved by the person who raised the complaint about the title of Ni Main Sass Kuttni, without even doing any research about Punjabi traditions and heritage. We, as artistes, would never do anything that’s against Punjabiyat, the strong familial values that our culture promotes, rather through our film, we’re spreading the message of love in the most comic way possible.”
Ni Main Sass Kuttni, which is releasing on 29th April worldwide, is produced by Mohit Banwait, Sachin Gupta and Ankush Gupta under the banner of Banwait Films in association with Sachin-Ankush Productions. The film has been directed by Pravin Kumar.