The highly anticipated Punjabi film Majhail, featuring Dev Kharoud and Roopi Gill in the lead roles, is slated to premiere in theaters on January 31, 2025. Directed by Dheeraj Kedarnath Rattan, the movie was filmed across various iconic locations in Punjab, including Nabha, Mohali, Kurali, Morinda, and Nandpur Kalaud.
The ensemble cast also includes Guggu Gill, Dheeraj Kumar, Vadda Grewal, and Hobby Dhaliwal, adding depth and intensity to the narrative.
Sharing his thoughts on the inspiration behind the film to a daily, director Dheeraj Kedarnath Rattan said, “The film explores themes of power, family, loyalty, and moral corruption. It captures the relentless pursuit of power and wealth, shedding light on the sacrifices and consequences that accompany survival in a world of ambition.”
It’s also said that the story of Majhail juxtaposes family values with the violent realities of the criminal underworld, illustrating how aspirations and power can erode even the strongest moral foundations.