Stand-up comedian/actor/producer Kapil Sharma recently hosted another wedding reception of his in New Delhi. While the reception saw many who’s and who of New Delhi marking their presence but during this visit to the Indian Capital, Kapil especially went ahead and met former Prime Minister of India, Dr Manmohan Singh at his residence.
Sharing the pictures with Dr Manmohan Singh, Kapil Sharma also wrote a ‘Thank You’ note to the former Prime Minister.
Since both Kapil ad Dr Manmohan Singh originally belong to Amritsar, Sharma said that he had a ‘heart to heart conversation’ about their roots in Amritsar. Kapil Sharma further said that he and Dr Manmohan Singh studied from the same college.
He wrote: “Thank you respected @dr.manmohan_singh for the warmth, hospitality and a heart to heart conversation about our roots in Amritsar, especially about our college and food. Was an honour meeting such a humble and simple statesman like you, and receiving blessings from ma’am. Regards.”
Meanwhile, at his wedding reception, celebs like Suresh Raina, Daler Mehndi, Mika Singh, Sohali Khan among others graced the occasion with their presence.
Kapil Sharma at his wedding reception – New Delhi
Kapil tied the knot with his long-time girlfriend Ginni Ginni Charath on December 12, 2018.
On the work front, Kapil has made a comeback to small screen with all new season of his hit show ‘The Kapil Sharma’ show.
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