Kulraj Randhawa, once a top heroine in Punjabi cinema, who ruled the industry with films like Mannat and Tera Mera Ki Rishta remained absence from Punjabi cinema for a very long time. In the last few years, she only did a cameo in Double Di Trouble (2014) and a social film called Needhi Singh.
Upon speaking to Iampunjaabi.com in an exclusive interview, Kulraj Randhawa, who is now making a return with a comic family drama – Naukar Vahuti Da – revealed her exact reasons as to what caused her to take a long break from Punjabi cinema.
The ‘Yamla Pagla Deewana’ actress said in a candid chat that first, she was busy in her Bollywood career and then she had to move to Canada for some works. A Masters in Business Administration, Kulraj Randhawa had to accomplish certain professional tasks in Canada which required her to stay there.
She also finally talked about as to what had happened during ‘Punjab 1984’ times, when all of a sudden Sonam Bajwa took her place in the movie in 2014.
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