Renowned film director Dave Sidhu was the chief guest at the biggest event for Punjabi, Bollywood, and Tollywood filmmakers in Australia, hosted by the popular entertainment website
As an accomplished filmmaker himself, Sidhu highlighted the need for grants and support for these industries and announced that Australia would become the second-largest country to provide such support. This move comes after the success of’s efforts to promote Punjabi cinema, which has gained popularity among audiences worldwide.
As a passionate advocate for diversity and inclusion in the entertainment industry, Sidhu’s presence at the event was highly appreciated, and his contributions to the field continue to inspire filmmakers from all backgrounds.
The event was attended by several prominent members of the Punjabi, Bollywood, and Tollywood film industries, who spoke about the growing popularity of Indian cinema in Australia and the need to promote it further.
Dave Sidhu emphasised the importance of promoting diversity and inclusion in the entertainment industry, and the need to provide opportunities for filmmakers from diverse backgrounds to showcase their work.
The event was widely covered on social media, with many attendees sharing photos and videos of the meet and greet on Instagram and other platforms.
In one post on Instagram, Dave Sidhu wrote, “We are proud to support Punjabi, Bollywood, and Tollywood filmmakers in Australia, and we believe that this country has tremendous potential to become a hub for Indian cinema.”
As a prominent filmmaker in the Punjabi cinema industry, Dave Sidhu has directed and produced several critically acclaimed films. He is well-known for his contributions to the field and has played an active role in promoting Punjabi, Bollywood, and Tollywood cinema in Australia and other parts of the world.
Along with his success in the film industry, Sidhu is also recognized for his philanthropic work and support for charitable organisations in Australia and India. Through his work with and other media ventures, Sidhu has showcased his passion for promoting diversity and inclusion in the entertainment industry.
The meet and greet event organised by Dave Sidhu and was a great success and helped to create a platform for Indian filmmakers to showcase their work in Australia. With the support of and other organisations, it is hoped that the Indian film industry will continue to thrive in Australia and reach new heights of success in the years to come.