In an unexpected twist of events, the promotional tour for the upcoming Punjabi film “Sardara and Sons” took an adventurous turn when the star-studded team found themselves temporarily stuck in an elevator in Canada. The incident, lasting 45 minutes, could have been a dampener, but the positive spirits of the crew, including renowned actors Yograj Singh and Sarabjit Cheema, turned it into an unforgettable experience.
Yograj Singh, known for his inspirational roles, didn’t let the situation faze him. When asked about the incident by the media later, he said, “Throughout history, we’ve seen that our warriors have faced much bigger troubles. Ours is nothing in front of them.” His words are a testament to the resilience and determination that the team brings to both their on-screen and off-screen endeavors.
The team also shared a video from inside the elevator, and what stood out was the sound of laughter. This unexpected bonding experience surely added an extra layer of camaraderie among the actors, leaving a lasting memory they will cherish
But the excitement doesn’t end there. “Sardara and Sons” starring Roshan Prince in the lead role is set to hit the screens on the 27th of October. The film, directed by Sarb Nagra and Nasir Zaman, has already generated quite a buzz with its trailer, receiving rave reviews from the audience.
Produced by OHRI Productions, Sardara and Sons releases on October 27th.