A not-so-usual love story unfolds, when a mother is in search for an ‘eligible’ father to her son, more than a companion or a better-half to herself. Similar is the story of Neeru Bajwa and Tarsem Jassar in this Friday’s release, Maa Da Ladla. The movie strikes the perfect balance of drama and humour, which is sure to entertain the audiences until the end.
In addition to the leading duo, the presence of Pakistani actors like Iftikhar Thakur, Naseem Vicky, and Qaiser Piya and the iconic Punjabi actors Nirmal Rishi, Roopi Gill, and Sukhwinder Chahal has proved to be a cherry on the cake.
Here’s a sneak-peek from the movie’s hilarious comedy scenes!
The music of the movie has made Maa Da Ladla a perfect package for this weekend’s outing with your family and friends. Book your tickets now to watch this entertaining movie on the silver screen.
Check out the trailer of Maa Da Ladla here: