Ardaas Karan Trailer To Be Launched In Various “Chapters”?

by Monita Sharma

If there’s one filmmaker in our industry who has always dared to do something different and out of league, then it has to be Gippy Grewal. From making films about “life after death”, starting the trend of wedding dramas, to making films on subjects like bank robberies and our flawed social system, Gippy Grewal has always taken challenges, whether as an actor, director or producer.

In 2016, Gippy Grewal surprised everyone with his debut film as a director – Ardaas, which became a runaway hit. The film explored themes of spirituality and held values of social significance.  Now to promote its sequel titled, Ardaas Karan, Gippy Grewal has decided to do something out of the box and instead of a trailer, he’s going to release several “chapters” telling the story of every character.

 Image result for ardaas karan gippy grewal

[h4]The first chapter will be unveiled on June 20 and will reveal the character played by Gupreet Ghuggi.[/h4]


Ardaas Karan releases worldwide on July 19.

Ardaas Karan stars stars Gippy Grewal, Gurpreet Ghuggi, Japji Khaira, Meher Vij, Sardar Sohi, Yograj Singh, Sapna Pabbi, Malkeet Rauni and many more. 

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