Gippy Grewal, who is promoting his production and directorial film, Ardaas Karaan these days throughout the country, was especially invited to a renowned national TV Channel along with his co-star Sapna Pabbi, to voice their opinion on India’s chances of winning the ICC World Cup.
Gippy also said that earlier he and his team were inclined to keep the release date of their upcoming film, Ardaas Karaan on the 12th of July but then they pushed the date to 19th as they were all highly confident of India winning the world cup on 14th. “We thought Indian team would be needing two-three days for celebrations also, hence we decided to keep the release date 19th of July,” said Gippy emphasising on his confidence in Indian cricket team.
Later, Gippy also sung his famous song “Angreji Beat” to cheer up Team India. He chose the song “Angreji Beat’ as the world cup is taking place England itself.
Also, present on the panel was former cricketer Reetinder Singh Sodhi who called, Gippy Grewal as the “Viral Kohli” of Punjabi entertainment industry.
Watch the video below to see Sapna Pabbi and Gippy Grewal talking about Ardaas Karaan and cricket world cup.
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